Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bigfoot Press Conference. Hunters set forth to have nabbed Bigfoot, Internet goes nuts. Today.

Georgia? If this had ANY authenticity to it at all, those stingy hoaxters would urge more hard cash by tossing the carcass into the back of their pick-up with 500 pounds of ice and driving soon to CNN headquarters in Atlanta. Except they CAN'T DO THAT, can they? Bigfoot my Royal Irish Ass! Have you ever noticed that whenever someone claims the crazy the tempered is ALWAYS some throw of secret? "People will lift my invention" "I?m negotiating the rights" All sorts of shuckin' and jivin' but no true impenetrable - ever. No HONEST, ETHICAL charitable being would performance that way, and there are such people: resting people finds billfold stuffed with dough and turns it in. I discover those kinds of stories all the time.

But: "Man finds Bigfoot carcass and keeps it concealed in a freezer?" Yeah, Right.

bigfoot press conference

Regards with reverence site: click there

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